

So I haven’t posted anything in ages so sorry! This is the only thing I can think of. It isn’t exactly Hunger games but my mum thought it looked like they were “catching fire” so here it is. This is … Continue reading

Nerdy me

Nerdy me

In school we had to make a book mark…surprise surprise! Can u guess what book I based mine on hmmm could it be The Hunger Games?! Lol looks stupid but oh well YOLO May the odds be ever in your … Continue reading

Catching Fire tag created by JoeyGraceffa

Catching Fire tag

1.How long did it take you to read Catching fire? I honestly don’t know because I read the 3 books in about 5 days so maybe 2 day? Not sure.

2.What district would you be from? 12 obviously duh

3.What scene are you most looking forward to being brought to life in a movie? the arena definatley and the clock disasters And the training.

4.What you tuber would you like to go into the arena with? Well if 2 people could win maybe Connor Franta or Joey Graceffa I love these guys and there videos and think it would be cool to spend time with them lol

5.Which of the clock ticks would freak you out most? DONT READ THE ANSWER IF U HAVENT READ THE BOOKS! the killing orange monkeys the Freaky JabberJays and the Electric Mist!

6.The saddest death? Mags r
which weapon would you want bow or trident? Bow who wouldn’t wana be like Katniss?!

8.what would the personal item you would bring in to the arena? Eeeek I’m not really sure ok I’m just gonna say the mocking jay pin!

i hope you enjoyed thanks for reading!

go check out Joey Graceffas video on this tag as well!





This is the sunset view from my room and if I’m not mistaken sunset orange is Peetas favourite colour isn’t it beautiful!?